Mushrooms Trip - Post Void

Let me start by noting that I’ve been holding out on this review for a very long time. Not quite sure why it took me too long, it’s a pretty simple game (although a bit psychedelic).

I’ve finished this game back in 2022, and It only took 90 minutes to pretty much finish the game (and get a couple of achievements with it).

Small disclaimer, I am reviewing a game I played almost 2 years ago with only 90 minutes clocked in. This is just a note so that you should NOT and NEVER take into consideration what I write in here. Especially if it’s going to lead you to either buy or play something. I have a very niche taste in stuff, you could say.

With that said, what a trip that was from what I remember. For started that got me into the game originally was the visuals, mixed in with the fast-paced retro FPS gameplay. Man, what a sucker I am for retro FPS games. This one looked excellent from the trailer, seemed like a quick play (which I take into consideration a lot these days) and it’s dirt cheap (just 2.99 :RiMoneyEuroCircleLine:) in my country, probably cheaper in yours.

The whole mechanic of the game is that you’re literally dripping your life force out of a jar (the idol), and you have to keep it going while pushing forward, against a set of weird and bizarre enemies. So here’s that mix of fast movement and quick action.

The maps are randomized, so its always going to be a bit different on each run. The goal is always a simple go from point A to B, problem is you don’t know where B is, but most of the time you can just keep going, you’re never going to end up in a dead end.

Combat is fun as well, you start with a pistol but can pick up weapons while going through (from what i remember, not 100% sure on this). I do remember I really liked how the headshot felt, since most of the time they’re a one shot kill for most enemies.

The game is split into like 5 or 6 levels (not sure, again don’t remember), and you do need to go through the whole game in one go. You can level up some skills and abilities each time you go to the next level, so there’s a bit of roguelike elements into to it which is always nice, although a bit frustrating if you do end up loosing right at the end.

In terms of difficulty, it’s pretty average. I consider myself average at fps games (I do play a lot of them, but don’t think I am that good). I managed to completely finish it in about 90 minutes, and I even think it was done all in the same day, so that’s really fast. Likewise, I do remember feeling lucky on the run I ended up winning the game, so there might have been a bit of that also to take into consideration.

Overall it’s a very fun small game, with some amazing (and trippy) visual, which I’m happy to recommend to anyone who’s up for the challenge.

Post Void